Abi Summers

About me

Hi, I’m Abi! I’ve been living in Paris since 2016 and have spent a lot of time exploring the city, France and surrounding countries. I’m passionate about learning, communication, community and slow travel.

a woman with short brown hair, she is smiling. She is wearing a red scarf and holding a cup in her hand

Since living in Paris, I’ve worked as an au pair, a tour coordinator, a web development teaching assistant, a fullstack developer and a backend developer - I’ve done a lot of different things. Over this time I’ve been able to connect with many people and expand on my skill sets. One of the running themes is my passion for helping others develop their skills.

More recently, I have been working as a tour guide! You can read more about that here, including the tours that I do and how to get in contact if you’re coming to Paris! I really love working as a tour guide, it overlaps with a lot of things I’m passionate about - learning, communication and story telling.

In my spare time, I love to travel and explore new places with a focus on slow travel. In march of 2024 I started a project to explore Île-de-France, the region I live in, by the alphabet - you can find my blogs here.

On weekends and holidays in warmer months I enjoy bike packing. I love getting to travel by bike, I get to see a lot of places that otherwise I would not have seen. I like the slower pace of bike travel, it pushes me to do things even when they’re hard and it’s definitely a conversation starter (did I mention that I like connecting with people?).

I also love travelling by train, and for me the train journey is part of the experience. A lot of the time it is faster (and often cheaper) to fly but whenever possible you’ll find me on a train. I love watching things pass by through the windows, sitting to read, journal or even napping. I love reading, but I love it even more when I’m on a train. When travelling to a new country, I like to buy books from an author who is from there as a way to find new authors but also as a souvenir.

Got any questions about the projects I’m working on? Or just want to connect? You can reach me via instagram at @abiguides or by mail contact@abisummers.com

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