Abi Summers


Here you can find all of my articles! These articles cover some of my favourte things in Paris, personal projects like alphabet of Île-de-France and travelling. You can find the category of articles on the homepage

About me

Hi, I'm Abi, welcome to my corner of the internet! I'm a tour guide & backend developer based in Paris. I'm passionate about learning, communication, community and slow travel.

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All things cheese: guided through Paris

An overview on french cheeses, from how they're made, to the eight families of cheeses

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Annual events in Paris (and Île-de-France): guided through Paris

Here you can find some of the events that happen in Paris each year, including one of my favourite nights of the year!

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Bastille to Vincennes: guided through Paris

A 5km scenic walk along the Coulée verte René-Dumont

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Belgium - June 2024

A week in Belgium including a stop in Saint Quentin, seeing family and the Bruges Triennial

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Bike packing

What I love about bike packing and some of the things I always travel with

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BNF: À nous les stades ! Une histoire du sport au féminin

In keeping with the 2024 Paris Olympics, an exhibition on the history of women in sports

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BNF: La France sous leur yeux

My thoughts on my first exhibition at the BNF.

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Board game cafes

Some of my favourite places to play board games in Paris

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Book stores

My favourite places to buy English books in Paris

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Bruges: Triennial

Exploring the Bruges Triennial

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Carte avantage

Tracking how much money I save with the SNCF discount card

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Common scams: guided through Paris

Scams to watch out for throughout the city

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Cycling the ViaRhôna

Cycling from Valence to Avignon along the ViaRhôna

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Planning a day trip within Île-de-France? Here are some recommendations on places to visit broken down by train line

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Eiffel Tower: guided through Paris

My tips and tricks for having the best experience - with or without a guide.

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Free activities in Paris: guided through Paris

Some of my favourite free activities in Paris

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French history

Preparing for the French nationality interview

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Getting around Île-de-France

Explaining different ways to get around the Île-de-France region using public transport

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Heritage days - Brussels 2024

An overview of everything I saw while in Belgium during the 2024 heritage days

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How to plan a day trip

Tips on planning a day trip within Île-de-France as part of my alphabet project

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Learning French

My experience with learning French and how I actually became confident enough to speak

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Learning to code

My experience on learning to code at a bootcamp in Paris.

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Libraries in Paris

a change in work place, visiting different libraries around Paris

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MaM: Jean Helion

Visiting the Jean Hélion - 'La prose du monde' exhibition

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Museum passes

I have three subscriptions to museums in Paris. Are they worth it? Here I track what I have seen and how much I've saved.

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Museums outside of Paris

Museums and exhibitions within Île-de-France (excluding Paris). Places that I have visited and places that I would like to visit

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Olympics in Paris

2024 Olympic games in Paris - an overview of what I've seen and how much I paid per ticket

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Paralympics in Paris

2024 Paralympics games in Paris - an overview of what I've seen and how much I paid per ticket

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Parks in Le Marais: guided through Paris

My guide to some of the best parks in le Marais

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Petit Palais: Theodore Rousseau

Visiting the Théodore Rousseau - 'La Voix de la forêt' exhibition

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Picking a restaurant: guided through Paris

My guide for picking a restaurant in Paris

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Exploring the area around Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux

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Slow Travel

what is slow travel and what are the benefits?

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Taking the metro: guided through Paris

Advice for taking the metro in Paris (buying tickets, navigating etc)

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Travelling with your bike on a train

A short guide on taking your bike on a train in France on both TGVs and TERs

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Visit Paris with me!: guided through Paris

The experiences I offer, from personalised guided tours to planning an itinerary based on your criteria

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Volunteering in Paris

My experience with English speaking volunteering in Paris with Serve the City

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Alphabet of Île-de-France

Here you can find all of my articles related to my Île-de-France project. This is an ongoing project, for me to discover some new locations within the region.

I love looking discovering the hidden things, both in Paris and outside of it.

Visiting Auvers-sur-Oise

A day trip to Auvers-sur-Oise. Part of the alphabet of Île-de-France series.

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Visiting Bièvres

A day trip to Bièvres. Part of the alphabet of Île-de-France series.

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Visiting Champs-sur-Marne

A day trip to Champs-sur-Marne. Part of the alphabet of Île-de-France series.

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Visiting Dourdan

A day trip to Dourdan. Part of the alphabet of Île-de-France series.

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Visiting Écouen

A day trip to Écouen. Part of the alphabet of Île-de-France series.

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Visiting Favières

A day trip to Favières. Part of the alphabet of Île-de-France series.

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Visiting Houdan

A day trip to Houdan. Part of the alphabet of Île-de-France series.

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Visiting Parc Kellermann

A day trip to Parc Kellermann. Part of the alphabet of Île-de-France series.

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Visiting Nemours

A day trip to Nemours. Part of the alphabet of Île-de-France series.

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Visiting Rueil-Malmaison

A day trip to Rueil-Malmaison. Part of the alphabet of Île-de-France series.

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Visiting Ville-d'Avray

A day trip to Ville-d'Avray. Part of the alphabet of Île-de-France series.

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Visiting Yerres

A day trip to Yerres. Part of the alphabet of Île-de-France series.

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