December 2024
And that’s a wrap, 2024 has been a road with many turns. I changed my main career from being a developer to working as a tour guide (which I love and feels a lot more like me!). I got to visit a bunch of new places, improved my French and I’m going into 2025 a lot more positive than I started 2024.
All things Paris
I have spent a lot of time in Paris during December. I put together a free guided tour in Montmartre that can be found here. I also ran two trial tours along with it. I shared my idea on a Facebook group and got two groups of people who were willing to give me feedback on how it went. I’m super happy with how the tours went!
December is also the month of Christmas markets! I went through a few in Paris like most years, but this year I was able to visit the medieval Christmas market in Provins! I had a great time there with friends, drinking both warm hydromel and warm hypocras along with lots of food. You can read more about my day on my instagram post.
I had planned on following a tour in Paris about the Paris Commune but the tour was cancelled last minute, so instead I went to the cinema with my partner. We went to see Everybody Loves Touda, which I enjoyed but honestly the ending left me a little confused. I rarely go to the cinema, so it was nice to se something different especially while the weather wasn’t great.
I also created a new Instagram account, @abiguides, where I’m going to share all things Paris!
All things blog
The biggest change to my blog this month is an integrated booking system! It’s now possible for people to book and pay for tours directly from my website and I’m so happy with the tool.
I wrote some more articles including one on the Arc de Triomphe and a museum write up at the Bourdelle museum
I have more ideas brewing, so I’m excited to see how they come to life in the first few months of 2025!
December was a good month for books! October and November I didn’t read much, partially because I was busy with other things and partially because I didn’t have a book that really spoke to me (Lord of the Flies did not leave me feeling very motivated).
I started off with a short book called hot milk, the blurb caught my attention but the book was very different to what I imagined it to be. I still enjoyed it, and it was an easy read. Can I tell you why it’s called hot milk? No, I either wasn’t paying attention or you the title it formed from various layers.
The next book I read was Girl, Woman, Other by Bernardine Evaristo who is one of my favourite authors! I read this book back in 2022 but a friend gifted me this book so I wanted to reread it. So so good (my friends know my taste in books so well). The lives of so many women linked together in such a beautiful way with many layers to each person. Beautiful. It reads like poetry.
And I listened to my first audio book! Half-Arse Human: How to live better without burning out by Leena Norms. I’m a bit fan of Leena, I’m a member on her patreon where there’s such a wonderful community of people. I didn’t think I was an audiobook person, but turns out I maybe am? I had a great time listening to think while commuting and walking through parks in Paris. It felt like a friendly chat with lots of great advice.
After listening to the Half-Arse Human audio book, I picked up another audiobook! I listened to The Bone Season. The narrator has a beautiful voice which turns out is very important if I want to listen to a book.
Am I an audiobook person now? Maybe? I’ve been having a great time!
I attended a lot of JoClub sessions! It has been a while since I was able to attend, so attending three in a month feels like an achievement. I also was able to use my Golden Ticket to invite a friend. Each month all JoClub members get one free invite to invite someone to any session - if you’d like to try out JoClub, let me know over on Instagram at @abiguides
I attended art journalling word of 2025, bring your own prompt (BYOP) life lessons of 2024 and a themed session on new year intentions. All of these sessions were so good and I always leave with lots to think about!